21 Cinder Road
Garnerville, NY 10923-1131
Phone: 845-947-1873 | [email protected]
Welcome to St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish! Registration Form
Please print this form.
Family name (last name) ____________________________________ Todays date:__________
Street address:__________________________ Town: _______________________
State: NY zip: _________ phone # : ___________________Email address: ________________
If you are single what is your first name? ____________________
For couples – please put a circle around the right answer.
Are you married? yes / no If yes, were you married by a Catholic priest, deacon ? yes / no
If you are not married in the Church would you like the parish to contact you to help you get married in the Church? yes / no
In this section, DO NOT put down your parents names, put down your names.
Sacraments received: bapt. comm. confirm
Father/Husband ___________ ________________ ________ ___________ 0 0 0
first name last name religion
bapt. comm. confirm.
Mother/Wife __________________ ____________________ ___________ 0 0 0
first name maiden name religion
Children and birthdays: _________________________________________________________
Which way would you like to support the parish – by receiving collection envelopes or by giving electronically? (check one) collection envelopes 0 electronically 0
Please print this form and place it in the collection basket on Saturday evening or Sunday morning. If you prefer to use envelopes, please use four temporary yellow envelopes, for four Sundays. The temporary envelopes are found near the entrance of the Church. If you prefer to support the parish electronically, please put this form in the collection basket and go to the “Contribution” tab found on this website and register for WeShare.