Adoration now occurs for 31 hours starting on Friday morning at 8:00 am and continuing until Saturday afternoon at 3:00 pm. The chapel entrance is to the left of the Rectory entrance. Click the title above to access the online sign-up page. Please sign up for an hour. We like to have at least two people per hour. Granted it is great when people drop in for a visit -- but for that to be possible -- we need people who make a commitment.
Camp Veritas is a fun-filled Catholic summer camp for teens. With a primary focus on Eucharistic-centered worship and evangelization; orthodox teaching in line with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and teachings of the Magisterium; and interaction with clergy and religious. Campers enjoy traditional camp activities during the daytime (swimming, sports, hiking, etc). It is an incredible experience; your sons and daughters will love it. It is located in Sullivan County, Camp Lakota, Wurtsboro, NY for 7 - 9 graders only. Registration begins January 1, 2025. New York Camp Lakota: August 10th-16th. See above link for more information.
Presently we are working with Cardinal Dolan to help continue the good works of the Archdiocese, to make this happen, it's great when we all make some to help out. Many parishioners have already made a gift -- so thank you! For those who are considering and would like to give online please "left click" the word "Appeal" above, and then click DONATE to join our efforts today. Please be sure to direct your gift to our parish (on the dropdown
Men come together, have a great breakfast, watch a brief DVD about being Christian and the challenges in our society -- discuss, pray, and talk. Some linger after the meeting, others take off. Meetings are early on Saturday mornings before things get busy. 7:00 am to 8:30 am in the Parish Center. Come, give us a try.
Here are some great links to sites that help to grow in understanding about the teachings of Christ proclaimed by his Church. or or and finally
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, Come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there, And unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.
Today -- Monday Oct. 28, a fake email was sent to parishioners of St. Gregory's assuming the name of Fr. Joseph Fallon. It is a scam, no such email has been sent from the Parish! Delete it ASAP!
Becoming Catholic? Are you interested in coming closer to Christ by becoming Catholic? Or are you a baptized Catholic who needs Holy Communion or Confirmation? In the Fall we will begin classes (called: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA ). Formation classes are also open to anyone who would simply like to learn more about our faith. Classes occur once a week on Sunday mornings. After the completion of study, sacraments are conferred at the Easter Vigil in the Spring. Call the rectory for further information: 947-1873 or email: [email protected].